Oravec S, Gavornik P, et al. Neuroendocrinology Letters: Volume 32, No. 4, 2011.
Lipoprotein profile in patients who survive a stroke.
Comments: The aim of the study was to identify and quantitatively evaluate atherogenic lipoproteins and to determine the lipoprotein profiles phenotype in subjects who had suffered an ischemic cerebral-vascular event. An atherogenic lipoprotein profile phenotype B was identified in the individuals who survived a stroke. There were increased concentrations of total cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL, LDL2 and LDL 3-7 in the group of stroke patients.

Oravec S, Gruber Kristina, et al. Nueroendocrinology Letters 2011; 32 (3):317-321.
Atherogenic normolipidemia- a new phenomenon in the lipoprotein profile of clinically healthy subjects.
Comments: The aim of this study was to identify a type of lipoprotein profile in a group of healthy volunteers with no clinical manifested or chemically identified signs of cardiovascular diseases. Of the 150 subjects, with normal cholesterol and triglyceride values tested with Lipoprint, 10 subjects presented an atherogenic lipoprotein profile which consisted of large quantities of small dense LDL. The researchers claim that this represents a beneficial contribution to lipid diagnostics since these patients have serious cardiovascular risk and until now these patients have not been identified, diagnosed, or treated.

Pauciullo P, Rubba P, et al. Atherosclerosis 203 (2009) 320-324.
Small dense low-density Lipoprotein in familial combined hyperlipidemia: Independent of metabolic syndrome and related to history of cardiovascular events.
Comments: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of sdLDL as a marker of familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL), independently of the occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome (MS). The researchers found that sdLDL is an MS independent marker for the diagnosis of FCHL and for the CVD prognosis of FCHL patients.

Gill GV, Nytyintyane LM, et al. QJ Med 2008 Feb;101(2):111-9.
Postprandial lipaemia, metabolic syndrome and LDL Particles size in urbanized South African blacks with and without coronary artery disease.
Comments: The aim of this study was to access the postprandial response to an oral fat test in black patients with CAD. An additional aim was to measure LDL particle size in CAD patients and patients with metabolic syndrome. The study found that 70% of CAD patients had a predominance of small dense LDL.
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Kim Jung-Sun, Kim Changsoo, et al. Circulation Journal Vol.72 July 2008.
Effects of Increasing Particle Size of Low-Density Lipoprotein on Restenosis After Coronary Stent Implantation.
Comments: The aim of the study was to investigate whether changes in LDL particle size are related to in-stent restenosis. In the present study a decrease in LDL particle size was associated with ISR after controlling for LDL as well as Triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol.

Moon Jae-Youn, Kim Hyun, et al. Cardiology 2007; 108:282-289.
Lipoprotein (a) and LDL Particle Size are related to the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease.
Comments: This study was aimed at investigation the relationship between serum Lp(a) levels and LDL particles size in patients with coronary artery disease. A positive correlation between the level of Lp(a) and sd-LDL was demonstrated. Also, both increased Lp(a) and sdLDL were correlated with the severity of CAD in patients.

Kwon Sung Woo, Hong Bum Kee, et al. Yonsei Medical Journal; Vol. 47, No3, 405-414, 2006.
Significance of Small Dense Low-Density Lipoprotein as a Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Comments: This study was performed to investigate how LDL particle size is related to CAD and acute coronary syndrome (ACS). LDL particle size was found to be smaller among CAD patients, and correlated with the extent of CAD and ACS. The study demonstrated that sdLDL levels are strongly associated with CAD and are independent of traditional and nontraditional coronary risk factors.
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Ballantyne C, Kullo I. Mayo Clin Proc February 2005; 80(2):219-230.
Conditional Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis.
Comments: This review focuses on the newer technologies that exist for predicting Coronary Heart Disease in patients. The authors stress that the ability to accurately predict CHD for a specific individual based on traditional risk factors is limited. The authors also mention that the American Heart Association classified risk factors into 3 groups. Within these groups sdLDL testing falls into conditional risk factors which have as association with increase risk for CAD although their causative, independent, and quantitative contributions are not well documented. The author also states that a potential use of measuring LDL particle size may be in aiding decision making regarding the choice of a Lipid lowering agent. The authors also mention that this is because Statin drugs lower lipid levels but have little effect on LDL size while niacin and fibrates increase LDL size.


Sancho-Rogriguez N, Parra-Pallares Soledad, et al. Lipids in Health and Disease 2011, 10:162.
Observational study of lipid profile and LDL particle size in patients with metabolic syndrome.
Comments: The aim of this study was to establishe the importance of LDL particle size measurement in a group of patients with Metabolic Syndrome. The researchers found an inverse relationship between LDL particle size and TG in patients with and without Metabolic Syndrome. When the researchers considered the population in two classes of phenotypes, the lipid profiles were worse in phenotype B. The researchers consider LDL particle size a worthy measure due to its relationship with lipid profile and cardiovascular risk.
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Elisaf M, Lagos K et al. Lipids (2009) 44:9-16.
Alteration in the High Density Lipoprotein Phenotype and HDL-Associated Enzymes in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome.
Comments: The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution of HDL subclasses and HDL-LpPLA2 and PON1 Activities in patients with and without Metabolic Syndrome. The results demonstrated that patients with MetS had smaller LDL size as the number of MetS components increased. Also, patients with MetS had an HDL phenotype that comprised of a greater percentage of small HDL-3 and a lower percentage of HDL-2 subclasses. Furthermore the author suggests that HDL subfraction distribution may have a greater predictive value for Coronary Heart Disease than HDL-C concentrations.

Gentile M, Rubba P, et al Clinica Chimica Acta 388 (2008) 179-183.
Small dense LDL particles and metabolic syndrome in a sample of middle-aged women. Findings from Progetto Atena.
Comments: This study analyzed the association between sdLDL and Metabolic Syndrome in a sample of 210 Italian women, 84 of which were diagnosed with MS. sdLDL and MS were found to be independently related. In patients with a large distribution of sdLDL, sdLDL was independent of Triglycerides and HDL-C. The researchers concluded that sdLDL particles could be a valuable marker for the diagnosis and severity of MS.

C Chang, GL Vega, et al. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders Vol. 5:1, 2007.
Metabolic Syndrome Phenotype in Very Obese Women.
Comments: The study was carried out to determine the pattern of metabolic risk factors in very obese women who were considered candidates for bariatric surgery. The researchers found that neither LDL cholesterol nor LDL-apo B leverls were higher in obese subjects that in nonobese subjects but in both obese groups, mean LDL particle sizes were lower than in controls.

Satoh N, Yoshihiro O, et al. Diabetes Care. 2007 Jan; 30(1): 144-146.
Purified Eicosapentaenoic Acid Reduces Small Dense LDl, Remnant Lipoprotein Particles, and C-Reactive Protein in Metabolic Syndrome.
Comments: This study measured the effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), which is found in fish oil, in patients with Metabolic Syndrome. The researchers found that purified EPA significantly reduces sdLDL quantities while total LDL remained the same. EPA also significantly reduced CRP levels in patients with Metabolic Syndrome.
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Gazi I, Elisaf M, et al Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 55 (2006) 885-891.
Concentration and relative distribution of low-density lipoprotein subfractions in patients with metabolic syndrome defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program criteria.
Comments: The aim of the study was to directly determine the concentration and relative distribution of LDL subfractions in 175 patients with metabolic syndrome. The results demonstrated that patients with metabolic syndrome exhibit higher concentrations of small, dense LDL than individuals who do not fulfill the criteria for metabolic syndrome. This increase is directly related to the number of components of metabolic syndrome and is mainly determined by the serum concentrations of triglycerides.


Suh S, Lee MK, et al. Diabetes Metab J 2011; 35:536-542. Smaller mean LDL Particle Size and Higher Proportion of small Dense LDL in Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients.

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Comments: The study sought to estimate LDL particle size and risk factors associated with sdLDL in a larger number of Korean type 2 diabetic patients and matched non-diabetic controls. The researchers found that diabetic patients had smaller mean LDL particle size and higher proportions of sdLDL when compared to non-diabetic controls.

Olusi SO, George S. Vascular health and Risk Management. 2011;7: 75-80. Prevalence of LDL atherogenic phenotype in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

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Comments: The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of sdLDL particle size in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The researchers found that SLE patients have smaller dense LDL particles. The researchers suggest that sdLDL may be an independent risk factor for the development of premature atherosclerosis in SLE patients.

Tselepis AD, Alexopoulos DC, et al. The Journal of Lipid Research November 2010; 51 3331-3341. The plasma levels of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 are increased in patients with B-thalassemia.

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Comments: In the following study, plasma levels of Lp-PLA2 activity/mass, plasma lipid levels, LDL subclass profile, and oxidative stress were measured in patients with B-thalassemia. It was found these patients exhibit high Lp-PLA2 levels which could be primarily attributed to increased enzyme production and secretion from moncytes/macrophases as well as the predominance of sdLDL particles in plasma.

N Phelan, J Gibney, et al. J Clinical Endocrinol Metab, August 2010, 95(8):3933-3939. Lipoprotein Subclass patterns in Women with Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) Compared with Equally Insulin-resistant Women without PCOS.

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Comments: This study compared the plasma lipid profiles and lipoprotein subclasses in women with PCOS with equally insulin-resistant women without PCOS. The study found that when women with PCOS were compared with women matched for BMI and IR, women with PCOS had larger amounts of VLDL and increased rates of more atherogenic non-A LDL pattern lipoprotein subfraction profiles.

JP McConnell, KF Foley, et al. Clinical Chemistry 55:1 187-192 (2009). A Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Elevated LDL Cholesterol.

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Comments: The following article is a case study of a female patient with primary biliary cirrhosis. When the patient was initially tested for LDL-C her result was 1060 mg/dl. Thus the client was tested using the Lipoprint Method. From the pattern observed, the patient was diagnosed with primary biliary cirrhosis and the physicians concluded the discrepant results were due to the presence of LpX which is known to interfere with routine lipid panel measurements.

Liberopoulos En, Apostolou F, et al. Journal of Lipid Research. Vol. 50, 2532-2539, December 2009. Persistence of an Atherogenic Lipid Profile after Treatment of Acute Infection with Brucella.

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Comments: The study aimed at evaluating the possible quantitative and qualitative effects of acute Brucellosis on lipoprotein metabolism. The results demonstrated that patients with Brucellosis had increased sdLDL-C. After four months of successful treatment LDL particle size and sdLDL-C decreased and they were not significantly different from baseline values.

Phil D, Doi S, et al. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2008; 129:802-810. LDL Species Heterogeneity in the Atherogenic Dyslipidema of Polycytic Ovary Syndrome

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Comments: This study was aimed at exploring the relationship between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and sdLDL. The study found that a diagnosis of PCOS increase the odds of sdLDL 20 fold when compared to controls. Also, there was a strong association between LDL particle size and triglyceride concentrations independent of PCOS.

Abbas JM, Akanji AO, et al. Endocrine Journal 55:381-389, 2008. Hypothyroidism results in small dense LDL independent of IRS traits and Hypertriglyceridemia.

Comments: This article demonstrates a strong relationship between hypothyroidism and sdLDL. Some important points made in the article are that:

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  1. It may be important that lipid investigations in patients with hypothyroidism included LDL subclasses
  2. Hypothroidism increased the odds of sd LDL 6 fold
  3. It also mentions that NMR and ultracentrifugation are too laborious andThe QC lipoprint is simpler to operate, fast and correlates with other methods

Gokulakrishnan K, Mohan V et al. Journal of Association of Physicians of India February 2005; Vol. 53 95-100. Association of Small Dense LDL with Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes in Urban Asian Indians- The Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES-8).

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Comments: The study investigated the association of small dense LDL with diabetes and coronary artery disease in a native Indian population. The study demonstrated that small dense LDL is associated with diabetes and CAD. Furthermore 58% of the diabetic subjects with CAD and 51% of the subjects without CAD had elevated levels of small dense LDL.

Landray MJ, Lip GYH, et al. Q J Med 2002; 95: 165-171. Abnormal low-density lipoprotein subfraction profile in patients with untreated hypertension.

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Comments: The study intended to test the hypothesis that untreated patients with essential hypertension in the absence of vascular disease may exhibit abnormalities in their LDL subfractions. The researchers found that the controls and the hypertensive group exhibited similar total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels. At the same time the study demonstrated that hypertensive patients had abnormalities in their LDL subfraction profile. Surprisingly, hypertensive patients exhibited abnormal LDL subfraction profiles even when they had low levels of triglycerides. The researchers concluded that LDL subfraction profiles may be deranged in these patients in the absence of vascular disease. This may have significant implications for the selection of both antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatments in these patients.

Lip GYH, Edmunds EED, et al. Q J Med 2001; 94:327-332. Dyslipidaemia in patients with malignant-phase hypertension.

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Comments: The study set out to determine if patients with malignant phase hypertension would demonstrate a more atherogenic LDL subfraction profile than non-malignant phase hypertension patients or normotensive controls. No significant differences in the LDL subfraction profiles of these patients was found.


Castro-Perez J, Johns DG, et al. The Journal of Lipid Research. August 14th 2011. Anacetrapib promotes reverse cholesterol transport and bulk cholesterol excretion in Syrian golden hamsters.

Comments: The study used multiple in vivo and in vitro approaches to assess the effects of anacetrapib on cholesterol metabolism in dyslipidemic Syrian golden hamsters. When HDL subfractions were analyzed, it was found that anacetrapib increased large HDL particles and intermediate HDL particles. LC/MS analysis of the electrophoresed gels showed that all sterols (FC and CE’s) were up-regulated in the HDL fractions with CE 18:2 being the most abundant cholesteryl ester component of the HDL fraction.

Saumoy M, Podzamczer D, et al. Antiviral Therapy 2011; 16: 459-468. Low-Density Lipoprotein size and Lipoprotein-Associated phospholispase A2 in HIV-infected patients switching to abacavir or tenofovir.

Comments: The aim of this study was to evaluate qualitative lipid changes, including LDL size and subfractions, LP-PLA2 activity and quantitative lipid changes occurring in stable HIV-infected patients randomly switching to abacavir + lamivudine or tenofovir + emtricitabine. The researchers found that a more atherogenic LDL profile, including a decrease in LDL size, was found in the abacavir + lamivudine group and not the tenofovir +emtricitabine group.

Ason B, Kuklin NA et al. The Journal of Lipid Research 2011, January 24th. Improved efficacy for ezetimibe and rosuvastatin by attenuating the induction of PCSK9.

Comments: The following study intended to determine if PCSK9 inhibition could enhance LDL-C lowering of both statins and ezetimibe in a mouse model with a human-like lipid profile. It was observed that Pcsk9 knockdown in combination with either treatment lead to greater reduction in serum non-HDL with a near uniform reduction of all LDL-c subfractions.

Azar RR, Kassab Roland, et al. The American Journal of Cardiology, 2010, Jul 15; 106 (2) 193-197. Effect of ezetimibe/Atorvastatin Combination on Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease or Coronary Artery Disease Equivalent.

Comments: The objective of the study was to determine the effects of Ezetimibe on ox-LDL. LDL-C, ox-LDL and LDL subfractions were measure in 100 patients at baseline and 8 weeks after treatment. It was found that Ezetimibe decreased ox-LDL cholesterol through reductions in total LDL and in large buoyant LDL. The change in ox-LDL did not correlated with small dense LDL.

Evangelos C., Elisaf M., et al. The Open Clinical Chemistry Journal, 2009,1, 64-68. Improvement of the Lipid Profile with Zofenopril in hypertensive Patients with Metabolic Syndrome.

Comments: The study evaluated whether Zofenopril affects the parameters involved in atherogenesis beyond its antihypertensive action in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome. The researchers found that Zeofenopril improved the lipid profile towards a preponderance of large LDl subfractions over small dense LDL.

Elisaf MS, Nakou ES, et al. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. (2008) 9(18):3151-3158. The effects of ezetimibe and orlistat, alone or in combination, on high-density Lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses and HDL-associated enzyme activities in overweight and obese patients with hyperlipidaemia.,%20alone%20or%20in%20combination,%20on%20high-density%20lipoprotein%20(HDL)%20subclasses%20and%20HDL-associated%20enzyme%20.pdf

Comments: This is an open-label randomized study of the effects of orlistat and ezetimibe, alone or in combination, on plasma HDL subclasses and HDL-associated enzyme activities in overweight and obese subjects with hypercholesterolemia. The researchers found that orlistat treatment resulted in an increase of HDL-2 while HDL-3 decreased significantly. Ezetimibe, alone or in combination with orlistat, led to a decrease in the HDL-3 subclass while HDL-2 did not significantly change.

Kostapanos M, Elisaf M et al. European Journal of Pharmacology August 2008, 590 (1-3) 327-332. Baseline Triglyceride levels and insulin sensitivity are major determinants of the increase of LDL particle size and buoyancy induced by rosuvastatin treatment in patients with primary hyperlipidemia.

Comments: This study examines the effects of rosuvastatin in patients with hyperlipidemia. The study found that rosuvastatin favorably effects LDL distribution as well as mean LDL particle size only in patients with moderately high triglyceride levels.

Kalogirou M, Elisaf M, et al. Current Medical Research and Opinion, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2007 1169-1176. Effect of ezetimibe monotherapy on the concentration of lipoprotein subfractions in patients with primary dyslipidaemia.

Comments: This study measures the effects of ezetimibe monotherapy in patients with primary dyslipidaemia. The results demonstrated that Ezetimibe favorably affects the distribution of LDL subfractions, especially in those with elevated triglyceride values. A potential side effect was the reduction of dense HDL particles which are those that represent what are believed to be the most potent antiatherogenic part of HDL.

Kalogirou M, Elisaf M, et al. Archives of Medical Science;3,4:344-350, 2007. Effect of ezetimibe on lipoprotein subfraction concentrations: the role of atorvastatin in pretreatment.

Comments: This article discusses the effect of ezetimibe on the lipid profile of patients who had previously taken atorvastatin. Ezetimibe administration reduced VLDL concentrations either when used as monotherapy or when added to atorvastatin treatment. Ezetimibe monotherapy reduced all LDL subfractions while the addition of ezetimibe in patients receiving atorvastatin decreased LDL values by reducing the concentrations of large LDL. Finally, while ezetimibe monotherapy reduced mainly the concentrations of small LDL, the additional of ezetimibe in patients receiving atorvastatin equally reduced the concentration of all HDL particles.

Lautamaki Riikka, Ronnemaa Tapani, et al. The Review of Diabetic Studies Vol3, No1, 2006. The Effect of PPARy-Agonism on LDL Subclass Profile in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease.

Comments: The article explores the effects of rosiglitazone on the lipid profile of patients with type 2 diabetes. It was found that rosiglitazone treatment increases the concentration of large LDL but not small dense LDL.

De Leeuw I, Manuel y Keenoy Begoña, et al. Atherosclerosis 175 (2004) 369-376. Impact of Vitamin E supplementation of lipoprotein peroxidation and composition in Type 1 diabetic patients treated with atorvastatin.

Comments: This study investigated the impact of Vitamin E on lipids and peroxidation during statin treatment in patients with type 1 diabetes. The results demonstrated that atorvastatin caused a shift toward less dense LDL but not when tocopherol supplements were added.

Vega GL, Grundy SM, et al. The American Journal of Cardiology Vol. 91april 15th, 2003. Effect of adding Fenofibrate (200 mg/day) to Simvastatin (10 mg/day) in Patients with Combined Hyperlipidemia and Metabolic Syndrome

Comments: This study showed that Simvastatin monotherapy decreased total cholesterol by 27% at the same time it only increased HDL cholesterol by 6%. When fenofibrate was added to simvastatin therapy, HDL increased by 23% and triglycerides decreased by an additional 38%. Finally there was a significant increase in the large LDL to sdLDL ratio.


Ocadlik I, Oravec S, et al. Neuroendocrinology Letters, Volume 32. No3, 2011. Relationship between unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and lipoprotein spectrum.

Comments:The aim of this study was to analyze the serum bilirubin level, lipid and lipoprotein parameters with the emphasis on the presence of atherogenic small dense LDL in patients with Gilbert’s Syndrome. The researchers found an inverse relationship of serum bilirubin levels and therogenic small dense LDL levels.

Oravec S, Ocadlik I, et al. Bratis Lek Listy 2011; 112 (1) 4-7. Contribution of the atherogenic lipoprotein profile to the development of arterial hypertension.

Comments: The objective of the following study was to determine the occurrence of atherogenic vs. non-atherogenic lipoprotein profiles in patients with arterial hypertension and to compare this result with lipoprotein parameters of control subjects.

Kaitosaari T, Ronnemaa T, et al. European Journal of Pediatrics 2009; 168: 531-539. Tracking and determinants of LDL particle size in healthy children from 7 to 11 years of age: the STRIP Study.

Comments: The purpose of the following study was to track LDL particles size in children at the ages of 7, 9, and 11 using the Lipoprint System. The researchers found that LDL particle size tracks reasonably well in 7-11 year old children and this tracking varies with changes in triglycerides, HDL, LDL-c, BMI, and pubertal status.

Elisaf M, Filippatos T, et al. Archives of Medical Science 2008; 4,3:263-269. Small dense LDL cholesterol and apolipoproteins C-II and CIII in non-diabetic obese subjects with metabolic syndrome.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between Apolipoprotein C, triglycerides, and sdLDL. The study found apo C-II and C-III are not independently associated with sdLDL-C levels. Also it was found that apo B and triglycerides were independently positively associated with sdLDL-C levels.

Grundy S, Barter P, et al. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & metabolism 92 (6): 2041-2045. Serum Insulin and inflammatory Markers in Overweight Individuals with and without Dyslipidemia.

Comments: The objective of the study was to define relationships between dyslipidemia and other metabolic abnormalities in overweight subjects. Within the study it was found that patients with Low HDL and elevated triglycerides had smaller LDL size. The final result of the study suggested that not all overweight people have the same risk. Overweight people who are normolipidemic and have low levels of inflammatory markers are at low risk. While those with low HDL and elevated triglycerides have much a much higher risk.

Gazi I, Tselepis AD, et al. Clinical Chemistry 51:12: 2264-2273 2005. Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A² Activity is a Marker of Small, Dense LDL Particles in Human Plasma.

Comments: The aim of this study was to investigate possible correlations between plasma Lp-PLA² activity or mass with sdLDL particles. The researchers found that 1 molecule of Lp-PLA² corresponds to ~ 100 particles of LDL-5 and to 4000 particles of either LDL-2 or LDL-3. The researchers found that Lp-PLA² activity, but not the enzyme mass, is a marker of sdLDL.

Lip GYH, Felmeden DC et al. Hypertension 2003; 41; 528-533. Low-Density Lipoprotein Subfractions and Cardiovascular Risk in Hypertension: Relationship to Endothelial Dysfunction and Effects of Treatment.

Comments: The study investigated the possible contribution of sdLDL to endothelial dysfunction measured through flow-mediated dilation (FMD). The researchers suggest that LDL particle size is a more important determinant of endothelial function that serum HDL, LDL, or total cholesterol levels.


Castro-Perez J, Johns DG, et al. The Journal of Lipid Research. August 14th 2011. Anacetrapib promotes reverse cholesterol transport and bulk cholesterol excretion in Syrian golden hamsters.

Comments: The study used multiple in vivo and in vitro approaches to assess the effects of anacetrapib on cholesterol metabolism in dyslipidemic Syrian golden hamsters. When HDL subfractions were analyzed, it was found that anacetrapib increased large HDL particles and intermediate HDL particles. LC/MS analysis of the electrophoresed gels showed that all sterols (FC and CE’s) were up-regulated in the HDL fractions with CE 18:2 being the most abundant cholesteryl ester component of the HDL fraction.

Varady KA, Kroeger CM, et al. Lipids in Health and Disease 2011, 10: 119. Comparison of effects of diet versus exercise weight loss regimens on LDL and HDL particles size in obese adults.

Comments: This study compared the effects of alternate day fasting, calorie restriction, and endurance exercise on LDL and HDL particle size in overweight and obese subjects. The results demonstrated that dietary restriction is able to increase LDL particle size while endurance training is able to augment HDL particle size. None of the interventions were able to modulate both LDL and HDL particle size.

Remaley AT, Sethi AA, et al. Clinical Chemistry 56:7 1128-1137 (2010). High Pre-B1 HDL Concentrations and Low Lecithin: Choloesterol Acyltransferase Activities Are Strong Positive Risk Markers for Ischemic Heart Disease and Independent of HDL-Cholesterol.

Comments: One of the main goals of this study was to examine the effectiveness of HDL subfraction distribution analysis in cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with and without Ischemic Heart Disease. The results of the study demonstrated that although minor differences were observed in the protein and lipid composition components of the HDL, these differences were small and none were useful as diagnostic discriminators of IHD.

Elisaf M, Lagos K et al. Lipids (2009) 44:9-16. Alteration in the High Density Lipoprotein Phenotype and HDL-Associated Enzymes in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution of HDL subclasses and HDL-LpPLA2 and PON1 Activities in patients with and without Metabolic Syndrome. The results demonstrated that patients with MetS had smaller LDL size as the number of MetS components increased. Also, patients with MetS had an HDL phenotype that comprised of a greater percentage of small HDL-3 and a lower percentage of HDL-2 subclasses. Furthermore the author suggests that HDL subfraction distribution may have a greater predictive value for Coronary Heart Disease than HDL-C concentrations.

Elisaf MS, Nakou ES, et al. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. (2008) 9(18):3151-3158. The effects of ezetimibe and orlistat, alone or in combination, on high-density Lipoprotein (HDL) subclasses and HDL-associated enzyme activities in overweight and obese patients with hyperlipidaemia.,%20on%20high-density%20lipoprotein%20(HDL)%20subclasses%20and%20HDL-associated%20enzyme%20.pdf

Comments: This is an open-label randomized study of the effects of orlistat and ezetimibe, alone or in combination, on plasma HDL subclasses and HDL-associated enzyme activities in overweight and obese subjects with hypercholesterolemia. The researchers found that orlistat treatment resulted in an increase of HDL-2 while HDL-3 decreased significantly. Ezetimibe, alone or in combination with orlistat, led to a decrease in the HDL-3 subclass while HDL-2 did not significantly change.

Daugaard JR, Helge JW, et al. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2008: 18:86-94. Low-intensity training dissociates metabolic from aerobic fitness.

Comments: This study investigated the effect of prolonged whole-body low intensity exercise on blood lipids, skeletal muscle adaptations and aerobic fitness. The results of the study demonstrated that low intensity training caused a shift from small LDL to larger particles of LDL. Similar results were obtained for IDL whereas no effect was observed on total HDL or HDL subfractions.

Kalogirou M, Elisaf M, et al. Current Medical Research and Opinion, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2007 1169-1176. Effect of ezetimibe monotherapy on the concentration of lipoprotein subfractions in patients with primary dyslipidaemia.

Comments: This study measures the effects of ezetimibe monotherapy in patients with primary dyslipidaemia. The results demonstrated that Ezetimibe favorably affects the distribution of LDL subfractions, especially in those with elevated triglyceride values. A potential side effect was the reduction of dense HDL particles which are those that represent what are believed to be the most potent antiatherogenic part of HDL.

Kalogirou M, Elisaf M, et al. Archives of Medical Science;3,4:344-350, 2007. Effect of ezetimibe on lipoprotein subfraction concentrations: the role of atorvastatin in pretreatment.

Comments: This article discusses the effect of ezetimibe on the lipid profile of patients who had previously taken atorvastatin. Ezetimibe administration reduced VLDL concentrations either when used as monotherapy or when added to atorvastatin treatment. Ezetimibe monotherapy reduced all LDL subfractions while the addition of ezetimibe in patients receiving atorvastatin decreased LDL values by reducing the concentrations of large LDL. Finally, while ezetimibe monotherapy reduced mainly the concentrations of small LDL, the additiona of ezetimibe in patients receiving atorvastatin equally reduced the concentration of all HDL particles.

Ordonez-Llanos J, Zapico-Muniz E, et al. Clinical Biochemistry 38(2005) 46-49. A cause of falsely Low HDL concentrations in HIV-infected patients: increased polyclonal serum immunoglobulin.

Comments: HIV patients exhibit lipid abnormalities regardless of whether or not they are on antiretroviral therapy. Many HIV patients show very low or undetectable HDL values when tested by direct means. The objective of the study was to describe the interference of polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia in a direct HDL method. In this study the results using the Lipoprint showed HDL bands for all patient samples. Additionally, the results from the lipoprint test were in concordance with the results obtained by ultracentrifugation.


T Munch-Andersen, JW Helge, et al. Int J of Circumpolar Health 2012, 71: 17342. Metabolic profile in two physically active Inuit groups consuming either a western or a traditional Inuit diet.

Comments: The aim of the study was to measure the effects of dietary changes in Inuit consuming a western diet compared to those who consumed a traditional diet. It was found that the metabolic profile of traditionally living Inuit were more favourable than those who had changed to a westernized diet.

Varady KA, Kroeger CM, et al. Lipids in Health and Disease 2011, 10: 119. Comparison of effects of diet versus exercise weight loss regimens on LDL and HDL particles size in obese adults.

Comments: This study compared the effects of alternate day fasting, calorie restriction, and endurance exercise on LDL and HDL particle size in overweight and obese subjects. The results demonstrated that dietary restriction is able to increase LDL particle size while endurance training is able to augment HDL particle size. None of the interventions were able to modulate both LDL and HDL particle size.

Forsythe CE, Volek JS, et al. Lipids (2010); 45: 947-962. Limited effect of Dietary Saturated Fat on Plasma Saturated Fat in the Context of a Low Carbohydrate Diet.

Comments: The researchers assessed plasma fatty acid composition response in men who participated in two 6-week weight maintenance carbohydrate restricted diets varying only in fatty acid composition. One diet stressed saturated fatty acids and the other unsaturated fat. The results of the study found that both LDL mean and peak particle size following the two diets were significantly higher than baseline.

Turan I, Yucesan FB, et al. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg (2010); 10:28-35. Hazelnut consumption decreases the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, plasma oxidized LDL level and increases the ratio of large/small LDL in normolipidemic healthy subjects.

Comments: The aim of the study was to investigate antiatherogenic effects of hazelnut consumption on LDL particle by evaluating the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, the vitamin E content of LDL particle, plasma oxidized LDL, the ratio of large/small LDL, lipid and lipoprotein levels in normolipidemic subjects. The study found that hazelnut enriched diets decreased the VLDL and IDL-C levels and caused an increase in the ratio of large/small LDL in patients. Finally they also decreased LDL-C and increased HDL-C.

Volek JS, Feinman RD, et al. Lipids (2009) 44:297-309. Carbohydrate Restriction has a More Favorable Impact on the Metabolic Syndrome than a Low Fat Diet.

Comments: The researchers proposed that the biological markers improved by carbohydrate restriction were precisely those that define the metabolic syndrome (MetS). To test this hypothesis, the researchers compared a carbohydrate restricted diet versus a low fat diet (LFD). The results demonstrated that a diet restricted in carbohydrates can provide a more comprehensive improvement in clinical risk factor associated with MetS than a LFD at reduced caloric intake.

Fernandez ML, Shrestha S, et al. The Journal of Nutrition 137:1165-1170, May 2007. A Combination of Psyllium and Plant sterols Alters Lipoprotein metabolism in Hypercholesterolemic Subjects by modifying the intravascular Processing of Lipoproteins and Increasing LDL Uptake.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to assess the secondary mechanisms of plasma LDL-C lowering and the remodeling of Lipoprotein subfractions resulting from the action of PSY+PS. During the testing period 9% of the subjects went from pattern B to pattern A which is characterized by LDL particles with diameters of >25.5 nm in patients.

Satoh N, Yoshihiro O, et al. Diabetes Care. 2007 Jan; 30(1): 144-146. Purified Eicosapentaenoic Acid Reduces Small Dense LDl, Remnant Lipoprotein Particles, and C-Reactive Protein in Metabolic Syndrome.

Comments: This study measured the effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), which is found in fish oil, in patients with Metabolic Syndrome. The researchers found that purified EPA significantly reduces sdLDL quantities while total LDL remained the same. EPA also significantly reduced CRP levels in patients with Metabolic Syndrome.

Zern TL, Fernandez ML et al. The Journal of Nutrition 135:1911-1917, August 2005. Grape Polyphenols Exert a Cardioprotective Effect in Pre- and Postmenopausal women by Lowering Plasma Lipids and Reducing Oxidative Stress.

Comments: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of lyophilized grape powder on plasma lipids, lipoprotein metabolism, LDL oxidation, inflammation, oxidative stress, and LDL size in pre- and postmenopausal women. The results found that even though grape treatment significantly reduced plasma TG, LDL-C, apo B, and apo E concentrations as well as CETP activity, the LDL particle was not affected.

Ballesteros MN, Fernandez ML, et al. The Journal of Nutrition. 135:70-73, January 2005. High Intake of Saturated Fat and Early Occurrence of Specific Biomarkers May Explain the Prevalence of Chronic Disease in Northern Mexico.

Comments: This study explored the hypothesis that both lifestyle and genetic components would affect the potential risk for Coronary Heart Disease or type II diabetes in children from this region. When the researchers tested 25 boys and 29 girls at baseline, total LDL were found to be below the 50th percentile for children of that age. In contrast HDL concentrations were below the 25th percentile and TG were very high (95th percentile). At the same time 69% of the children exhibited phenotype B. The researchers also found that their diets consisted of high levels of saturated fats mainly derived from meat products. Also the level of physical activity was low. The researchers speculated that both genetic and lifestyle explain the prevalence of risk factors for chronic disease the selected group of children.

Volek JS, Kraemer WJ, et al. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Vol 23, No 2, 177-184. 2004. Comparison of a very Low Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diet on Fasting Lipids, LDL Subclasses, Insulin Resistance, and Postprandial Lipemic Responses in Overweight Women.

Comments: The purpose of this study is to determine the cardiovascular risk of the Atkins diet compared to a low-fat diet, a short-term very low-carbohydrate diet did not lower LDL-C but did prevent the decline in HDL-C and resulted in improved insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese but healthy women. Small decreases in body mass improved postprandial lipemia and therefore cardiovascular

risk, independent of diet composition.

Herron KL, Fernandez ML, et al. Metabolism, Vol 53, No 6 (June), 2004: pg 823-830. High intake of cholesterol results in less atherogenic low-density lipoprotein particles in men and women independent of response classification.,%202004.pdf

Comments:The objective of this study was to determine LDL particle size and composition and the distribution of cholesterol across LDL subclasses in men and women classified as hyper and hyporesponders to a diet high in cholesterol. The hyperresponder group was found to have elevated LDL-C. However, the population was found to have a predominance of large LDL. The researchers concluded that egg intake by a healthy population of men and premenopausal women does not have negative health implications with regard to LDL atherogenicity.

Fernandez ML, Ballesteros MN, et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004;80:855-861. Dietary Cholesterol does not increase biomarkers for chronic disease in a pediatric population from northern Mexico.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of dietary cholesterol provided by whole eggs on the lipoprotein profile, LDL size, and phenotype in children from this region. The study found that all subjects had an increase in LDL peak diameter during the egg consumption period. In addition, 15% of the subjects experienced a shift from the more atherogenic phenotype B to pattern A after egg consumption.

Sharman MJ, Volek JS, et al. Journal of Nutrition 134:880-885, 2004. Very Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets affect Fasting Lipids and Postprandial Lipemia Differently in Overweight Men.

Comments: In the article 15 obese subjects are given a low carbohydrate diet and low fat diet. The result is a decrease in small dense LDL and a shift in the patient’s lipid profiles. 75% of the patients who had a Type B lipid profile at baseline, experienced a shift to a Type A profile.

Volek J, Kraemer W, et al. Journal of Nutrition 133: 2756-2761, 2003. An Isoenergetic Very Low Carbohydrate Diet Improves Serum HDL Cholesterol and Triacylglycerol Concentrations, the Total Cholesterol to HDL Cholesterol Ratio and Postprandial Lipemic Responses Compared with a Low Fat Diet in Normal Weight, Normolipidemic Women.

Comments: The aim of this study was to measure the effects of a very low carbohydrate diet in normolipidemic women. This diet had a limited affect on the LDL particle size of patients with larger LDL particles but it had a more pronounced affect on patients with smaller LDL particle size. This diet also increased HDL cholesterol and the total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio.

Sharman MJ, Volek JS, et al. The Journal of Nutrition 132, 1879-1885, 2002. A Ketogenic Diet Favorably Affects Serum Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Disease in Normal-Weight Men.

Comments: This study tested the effects of a 6 week Ketogenic diet on normolipidemic men. Measurements of sdLDL were performed by use of the Lipoprint System. A Ketogenic diet was found to increase LDL particle size.


N Sakane, K Tsuzaki, et al. BMC Medical Genetics (2010), 11:150. The association of the Clock 311 T/C SNP with lipids and lipoproteins including small dense low-density Lipoproteins: results from the Mima Study.

Comments: The study intended to investigate whether the Clock 3111 T/C SNP may affect lipids and Lipoproteins including sdLDL. The researchers found that the Clock 311 T/T homozygous form might increase the area of sdLDL, independently of potential confounding factors.

Isbir T, Aydogan HY, et al. In Vivo 23:155-162 (2009). Associations of Lipoprotein Lipase S447X and Apolipoprotein E Genotypes with Low-Density Lipoprotein Subfractions in Turkish Patients with Coronary Artery Disease.

Comments: This study investigates associations of specific lipoprotein lipase (LPL) S447X and apolipoprotein (Apo) E allelic patterns with LDL subfraction profiles in patients with CAD. The results found no association between LPLS447X, ApoE, and a risk for CAD.

Hamada T, Sakane N, et al. Medical Science Monitor, 2008; 14 (3): CR107-111. The UCP2-866 A/A genotype is associated with low density lipoprotein particles sizes in the general population.

Comments: This study investigated whether the UCP2-866 G/A SNP was associated with serum LDL particle characteristics in a general Japanese population. The researchers found that -866 A/A genotype in the promoter region of the UCP2 gene may itself reduce LDL particle size in the general Japanese population independent of age, gender, BMI, alcohol consumption, and smoking.

Kullo IJ. Journal of Clinical Lipidology, 2007 July; 1(3) 218-224. Ethnic Differences in Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle Size in Hypertensive Adults.

Comments: This is a study performed at Mayo Clinic regarding Ethnicity and the differences in sdLDL across different ethnicities. The method used for this analysis is the Lipoprint System

Kullo IJ, Ding K, et al. Journal of Lipid Research Vol47 2006. Quantitative trait loci influencing low density Lipoprotein particle size in African Americans.

Comments: This study focuses on sdLDL as related to the African American Population. This article also discusses the heritability of sdLDL.

Turner S, Kullo I, et al. American Journal of Hypertension 2005; 18:99-103. Pleiotropic Genetic Effects Contribute to the Correlation between HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, and LDL Particle Size in Hypertensive Sibships.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which genes contribute to the additive genetic variation in each trait (HDL, TG, sdLDL) in hypertensive sibships. The study revealed that pleitropy contributes to the additive genetic variation in the traits. These finding proved the rationale for multivariate linkage analyses to identify novel genetic loci with pleiotropic effects on HDL, TG, and sdLDL.


Taniguchi N, Kotani K, et al. J Clin Med res 2012; 4 (3): 161-166. The Correlation Between Small Dense LDL and Reactive Oxygen Metabolites in a Physical Activity Intervention in Hyperlipidemic Subjects.

Comments: The present study demonstrated that there was an independent, significant inverse correlation between the changes in the mean LDL particle size and the d-ROMS levels during a 6 month period of increased physical activity in hyperlipidemic subjects. The study showed that even a moderate increase in physical activity can increase LDL particle size.

Varady KA, Kroeger CM, et al. Lipids in Health and Disease 2011, 10: 119. Comparison of effects of diet versus exercise weight loss regimens on LDL and HDL particles size in obese adults.

Comments: This study compared the effects of alternate day fasting, calorie restriction, and endurance exercise on LDL and HDL particle size in overweight and obese subjects. The results demonstrated that dietary restriction is able to increase LDL particle size while endurance training is able to augment HDL particle size. None of the interventions were able to modulate both LDL and HDL particle size.

Ibanez J, Gorostiaga M, et al. Obesity; Volume 18 Number 3; March 2010. Resistance training improves cardiovascular risk factors in obese women despite a significative decrease in serum adiponectin levels.

Comments: In the following study the researchers compared metabolic variables and lipoprotein profiles in two groups undergoing a caloric restriction diet and the same caloric restriction plus resistance training. The results of the study demonstrated a favorable response of plasma TC and LDL-C to resistance training. The lipid profiles in the caloric restriction group showed no modification.

Daugaard JR, Helge JW, et al. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2008: 18:86-94. Low-intensity training dissociates metabolic from aerobic fitness.

Comments: This study investigated the effect of prolonged whole-body low intensity exercise on blood lipids, skeletal muscle adaptations and aerobic fitness. The results of the study demonstrated that low intensity training caused a shift from small LDL to larger particles of LDL. Similar results were obtained for IDL whereas no effect was observed on total HDL or HDL subfractions.

Donovan GO, Bird SR, et al. Int J Sports Med 2007; 28:1-6. LDL Particle Size in Habitual Exercisers, Lean Sedentary Men and Abdominally Obese Sedentary Men.

Comments: This study was intended to investigate the relationship between exercise training and LDL particle size. The researchers found no difference in LDL particle size between lean exercisers, lean sedentary men and abdominally obese sedentary men. The researchers did find that total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and Apo B concentrations were lower in lean exercisers.


C Bañuls, A Hernandez-Mijares, et atl. Clinica Chimica Acta 413 (2012) 251-257. Comparability of two different polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis methods for the classification of LDL pattern type.

Comments: The aim of this study was to compare the pattern of LDL particles measured by Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis (PGGE) and polyacrylamide tube gel electrophoresis (PTGE). The researchers found a 81.3% concordance for classification of sdLDL particles and 97.2% concordance for classification of large LDL when PTGE and PGGE were compared.

KA Varady, B Lemarche. Lipids (2011) 46: 1163-1167. Lipoprint Adequately Estimates LDL Size Distribution, but not Absolute Size, Versus Polyacrylamide Gradient Gel Electrophoresis.

Comments: The following study measured LDL size and LDL size distribution in 16 obese subjects at 4 different time points. It was found that there was good agreement between the methods for the determination of LDL size distribution. But absolute LDL size values significantly differed between the methods.

MR Langlois, A Vandermeersch, et al. Clinica Chimica Acta, 411 (2010) 1361-1366. Estimation of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) subclass phenotype using a direct, authomated assay of small dense LDL-cholesterol without sample pretreatment.

Comments: The article compares the results of the SLDL-EX Seiken with the results given for the Lipoprint. In predicting phenotype non-A there was a 87.9% sensitivity and a 92.8% specificity.

Hirany Shaina V, Devaraj S, et al. American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2003; 119:439-445. Comparison of Low-Density Lipoprotein Size by Polyacrylamide Tube Gel Electrophoresis and Polyacrylamide Gradient Gel electrophoresis.

Comments: This article emphasizes the following points:

  1. Lipoprint can be an additional tool for identifying patients with an increased CAD risk
  2. Measuring sdLDL may be important for monitoring therapeutic effectiveness of lipid lowering drugs
  3. Lipoprint is precise, less expensive, simpler to use than other methods and is suitable for routine clinical use
  4. Patients with a family history of CAD should be tested

McConnell JP, Hoefner DM, et al. Clin. Chem. 47:2 (2001) 266. Development of a Rapid, Quantitative Method for LDL subractionation with use of the Quantimetrix Lipoprint LDL System.

Comments: This is also a very important article relating to the Lipoprint. Important points are made regarding the test such as:

  1. the test being suitable for the clinical laboratory
  2. a high degree of correlation with the results obtained from NMR
  3. Mentions that other methods for LDL sub-fractions are time consuming and technically demanding

Castro-Perez J, Johns DG, et al. The Journal of Lipid Research. August 14th 2011. Anacetrapib promotes reverse cholesterol transport and bulk cholesterol excretion in Syrian golden hamsters.

Comments: The study used multiple in vivo and in vitro approaches to assess the effects of anacetrapib on cholesterol metabolism in dyslipidemic Syrian golden hamsters. When HDL subfractions were analyzed, it was found that anacetrapib increased large HDL particles and intermediate HDL particles. LC/MS analysis of the electrophoresed gels showed that all sterols (FC and CE’s) were up-regulated in the HDL fractions with CE 18:2 being the most abundant cholesteryl ester component of the HDL fraction.

Ason B, Kuklin NA et al. The Journal of Lipid Research 2011, January 24th. Improved efficacy for ezetimibe and rosuvastatin by attenuating the induction of PCSK9.

Comments: The following study intended to determine if PCSK9 inhibition could enhance LDL-C lowering of both statins and ezetimibe in a mouse model with a human-like lipid profile. It was observed that Pcsk9 knockdown in combination with either treatment lead to greater reduction in serum non-HDL with a near uniform reduction of all LDL-c subfractions.

RG Cutler, EN Videan, et al. Comparative Medicine. Vol. 59, No 3, June 2009. 187-296. Comparison of Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Disease in Humans and Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes).

Comments: The purpose of this study was to compare biochemical markers for cardiovascular disease, oxidative stress, and aging directly between male chimpanzees and humans. The lipid profile of chimpanzees exhibited higher levels of large HDL but significantly higher levels of small LDL subfractions. Overall these data suggest an increased risk for cardiomyopathy in chimpanzees.

Zern T, Fernandez ML, et al. The Journal of Nutrition 133:2268-2272, July 2003. Grape Polyphenols Decrease Plasma Triglycerides and Cholesterol Accumulation in the Aorta of Ovariectomized Guinea Pigs.

Comments: The goal of the study was to evaluate the effect of grape preparation on plasma lipids, lipoprotein cholesterol distribution, LDL size and composition, and atherosclerosis in ovariectomized guinea pigs, a model for menopausal women. The result of the 12 week diet was a reduction in TG and VLDL.


Mora S, Ridker P, et al. Diabetes. 2010 May; 59 (5) 1153-60. Lipoprotein Particle Size and Concentration by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in Women.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to examine the association between lipoprotein particle size and concentration with type 2 diabetes. The researchers found that NMR measure LDL as associated with type 2 diabetes, independent of other risk factors. LDL particle size remained significant in models that already included standard lipids and risk factors, adding incremental risk information beyond that obtained from established risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Berneis K, Rizzo M. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis Vol 12 No 5 2005; 237-239. Lipid Triad or atherogenic Lipoprotein Phenotype: A role in Cardiovascular Preventions?

Comments: This review focuses on the importance of the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype, a conditional characterized by elevated triglycerides, low HDL and the presence of small dense LDL. The author points out that this condition is more prevalent than hypercholesterolemia in CAD patients.

Anonymous. JAMA 285 2001:2486-2497. Executive Summary of The Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III).

Comments: In this article, the NCEP accepts sdLDL as an emerging risk factor in CHD and states that they are secondary targets in the diagnosis and treatment of Metabolic Syndrome.

Despres JP, Lamarche B, et al. Circulation 1997;9569-75. Small, Dense Low-Density Lipoprotein Particles as a Predictor of the Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Men.

Comments: A prospective study involving 4,637 men demonstrated that persons with a preponderance of small dense LDL had a 3.6 fold increase in the risk of Ischemic Heart Disease. Small dense LDL remained an independent predictor of IHD after control for variations in plasma TG, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol concentrations, and for the total/HDL cholesterol ratio. Finally, group that was at the highest risk were patients with elevated Apo B concentrations and the presence of small dense LDL. These patients had a sixfold risk for Ischemic Heart Disease.

Laakso M, Austin MA et al. Circulation 1995; 92:1770-1778. Prospective Study of small LDLs as a Risk Factor for Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes mellitas in Elderly Men and Women.

Comments: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role of small dense LDL as a risk factor for incident of Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). The study demonstrated that sdLDL is a risk factor for NIDDM, it suggests that sdLDL contributes to risk of coronary heart disease in prediabetics.

Feinglod KR, Krauss RM, et al. Arterioscler. Throm. (1992) 12:1496-1502. LDL subclass phenotypes and triglyceride metabolism in non-insulin dependent diabetes.

Comments: The objective of the study was to determine the LDL subclass phenotype in subjects with Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) without severe dyslipoproteinemia. The study demonstrated that the frequency of LDL phenotype B is increased approximately twofold in normolipidemic subjects with NIDDM. Furthermore, approximately 52% of NIDDM subjects were found to have a predominance of sdLDL.